This term I am delighted to welcome Prof Karín Lesnik-Oberstein from
the University of Reading to CLOC. Karín will be speaking on Friday February 7th,
4pm. Her talk is entitled ‘Children’s Literature, Literature and Neuroscience: Plus ça change,
plus c'est la même chose’ and she will discuss a range of critical and scientific
papers on neuroscience and children’s literature, including sections from the
original scientific papers on ‘mirror neurons’ by Rizzolatti et al, from papers
on ideas of child language development and evolutionary psychology by David S.
Miall and Ellen Dissanayake and by Jonathan Gottschall, and sections of
children’s literature criticism.
Tea and Coffee will be served after the talk.
St Cross Room, St Cross College, St Giles, OX1 3LZ
RSVP cara dot bartels-bland at stx dot ox dot ac dot uk
Tea and Coffee will be served after the talk.
St Cross Room, St Cross College, St Giles, OX1 3LZ
RSVP cara dot bartels-bland at stx dot ox dot ac dot uk